The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is the largest public broadcasting network in the United States distributing series such as NOVA, Sesame Street, PBS NewsHour, Masterpiece, Nature.
Under the creative direction of David Wilder, I designed the scheduling content views for the PBS iOS App.
I began by exploring a number of broadcast network apps, paying close attention to the schedule content views. Using the PBS iOS interface as reference, I narrowed down the apps that made strong use of UX.
I really liked the simplicity of the FX Scheduling Content View, so I began by thinking how we could use it as influence for our own user experience. I wasn’t a huge fan of their show description control view. It felt out of place within the context of the schedule.
Another app that really conveyed simplicity was the Showtime App. Look how easy is is to read the content and navigate. Unlike the FX app, it has an even simplistic approach. Just slide up. However, the show imagery seems to distract the eye.
A great content view and iOS app is problem solving. How does a user navigate through your app seamlessly without thinking to hard on how to use the interface?
We used the Agile methodology to develop a series of iterations that solved the issues at hand.
Eventually, we landed on a more simplistic design approach.
We also developed iPad iterations of these same interfaces, keeping in mind the differences of the two devices.